Herbst consultants
A recent client of mine requested a logo for their new company they are starting. Presented here, is the process work and iterations of the logo.

Here was a decision point on the way we wanted the bird to look. Varied balances of gradients to bring out the text, as well as, making sure the bird wasn't over powering.

This was the stage where I began to work with the client to find out where we wanted color to land. The Bird is based on Shoebill Stork, therefore we agreed the grey stayed true to the real life bird, as well as, granted easier access for varied typefaces and text legibility.
After deciding what bird style we wanted, this stage was about seeing what look we wanted to go for, in the overall design of the logo. From simple lettering, to the full name being displayed. One design (in two colors) was made to have the 'H' be the legs of the bird. We ultimately settled on the larger, full text style.